Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Love and Peace.

Friends: Good for both company AND photos.  
Head to [Free Bird] for the skirts, (fd) for the Crew Crop tops and Miss C for the hair.  You won't regret it, you'll find a lot more than that. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Scanning for life.

Enjoying Foresight's 'Bionic Eyes' in this shot, you won't BELIEVE all the cool stuff these eyes can do (and how many colors they come in, holy crap).  You can ping your friend, scan an area, look for a specific person and if someone is wearing the same eyes you can even chat with them using commands!   Being as big of a Blade Runner fan as I am, you can imagine how much fun I've been having with these.  

The list:
Foresight 'Bionic Eyes' in Rainbow (RARE)
Truth Hair - Jenna in Blonde
[glow] studio Lashes basic
[KoKoLoReS] BP - Pure Metallic Lips - golden
[KoKoLoReS] BP - Smokey Glitter Eyeshadows - red

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Whovian at heart.

Doctor Who season 8 begins this Saturday, August 23rd. Are you ready? I'll miss the fezes and bowties (because they are ever so cool) but this new Doctor looks exciting and a little scary. But it may mean a new wave of fantastic Doctor outfits, and more Daleks scattered through our happy grid.

As for props, you know there are a few.

The List:
!O: Teacup Piglet [Piggy Who?]
*~*HopScotch*~* 'Props are cool' (Fez & Bow Tie) & *~*HopScotch*~* 'Where to?'
(fd) Bossy Boots - Shiny Red
Schadenfreude 'Fezzes are Cool' Dress Form & 'The Scarf' Dress Form
Corgi! (Matt) ~silentsparrow~
Clawtooth: That Pretty Lady - 'Orange you glad'
Tee*fy Aurelia Summer High-Low Dress (Brown)
Baiastice_Piramid Studs Leather Cuff-purple- Right

And without further ado, a trailer for the new season!